Whether on her own or with her Jewish a cappella group, Mayta provides a creative variety of musical services, many with a focus of connecting your community through the power of harmony. Each service can be catered to the needs of your organization and community.
BerKalit A Cappella
Founded & directed by Mayta herself, BerKalit is a national award winning Jewish a cappella group from Berklee College of Music. Made of members from several religions, they share a love for singing Jewish music. Bring BerKalit to your community for a concert, harmony workshop, artist in residency, to lead services/Havdallah, or commission an arrangement from us!
Vocal Harmony Workshops
Bring Mayta in to lead your community in multi-layered harmony featuring your favorite synagogue repertoire, or to facilitate a workshop on how to do so. Or, bring her in to make music videos with your youth, facilitate a songwriting workshop, or work with your choir.
Summer Camp Songleading
Bring Mayta to your Jewish summer camp for a concert of Jewish music, songleader training, or to create music videos/write songs with your campers. Head Songleader at Camp Young Judaea Sprout Lake for three consecutive summers, Mayta is ready to engage with your community.
Custom Arrangements
Is your choir or a cappella group looking for a new arrangement? Commission Mayta for a harmonically rich & creative take on your song, or provide guidelines for an arrangement that will work especially well for your ensemble.